Plant Life Cycle

TEKS Objective
The student is expected to observe changes that are part of a simple life cycle of a plant: seed, seedling, plant, flower, and fruit.
Essential Understanding
The student knows that organisms resemble their parents and have structures and processes that help them survive within their environments.
Science Background
Life Cycle: University of Illinois, The Great Plant Escape (website) – Learn about plant parts and the life cycle of flowering plants.
Life Cycle
University of Illinois, The Great Plant Escape,
Signature Lesson
Plants Change During Their Life Cycle: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center (PDF) - Use Lesson 1 (pages 2–4) to observe changes that are part of the life cycle of a flowering plant.
Plants Change During Their Life Cycle
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center,
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
Plants Matters – Seeds, Fruit, and Trees: (website) - Trees start their life cycle as a seed. When they mature they produce their own seeds. Match the seed to the adult tree in this activity.
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
Tree Lifecycle: Project Learning Tree (PDF) – Students discover that trees have lifecycles similar to those of other living things.
Tree Lifecycle
Project Learning Tree,
The Circle of Life – Plants and Plant Growth: Colorado Unit Writing Project (PDF) – Four activities that allow students to observe the life cycle of a common flowering plant and learn about the basic parts of a plant.
The Circle of Life – Plants and Plant Growth
Colorado Unit Writing Project,
Assessment Ideas
Plant Life Cycle Flash Cards: (website) – Print one or more sets of these plant life cycle cards, and have your students arrange the cards from “soil” to “plant” to assess their understanding of the stages of a simple plant life cycle.
Literature Connections
The Tiny Seed, Carle, Eric (ISBN-13: 978-1416979173)
A Seed Grows: My First Look At a Plant’s Life Cycle, Hickman, Pamela (ISBN-13: 978-1550742008)
Nature’s Cycles- The Plant Cycle. Morgan, Sally. (ISBN-13: 978-1435829497)
Plant Life Cycles. Ganeri, Anita. (ISBN-13: 978-1410913197)
Additional Resources
Exploring Garden Ecosystems: The Teaching Channel (video) - Students explore a garden ecosystem first-hand by identifying plant parts, planting seeds and describing living and nonliving components of the ecosystem.
Exploring Garden Ecosystems
The Teaching Channel,
Why School Gardening? Kids Gardening (website) - Learn about programs, grants and resources that can be used to help you create a school gardening area.
Why School Gardening?
Kids Gardening,
The Life Cycle of Plants: Birmingham Grid for Learning (website) - This is an interactive set of activities to familiarize students with the life cycle of plants from seed to dispersal.
The Life Cycle of Plants
Birmingham Grid for Learning,
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