Flowering Plants Life Cycles

TEKS Objective
The student is expected to investigate and compare how animals and plants undergo a series of orderly changes in their diverse life cycles such as tomato plants, frogs, and ladybugs.
Essential Understanding
The student knows that organisms undergo similar life processes and have structures that help them survive within their environments.
Science Background
Flowering Plant Life Cycle: Pima Community College (webpage) - Summary of the life cycle of a flowering plant, such as the tomato.
Flowering Plant Life Cycle
Pima Community College, www.pima.edu
Plantenstein Is the Suspect: The Great Plant Escape (website) - Light-hearted, interactive explanation of flowering plant reproduction.
Plantenstein is the Suspect
The Great Plant Escape, www.illinois.edu
Signature Lesson
How to Grow Tomatoes: Teachers.net (website) - Simple instructions for a lesson in which students investigate and compare the life cycles of tomato plants under different conditions.
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
The Seed Challenge: Wisconsin Fast Plants (PDF) - Complete unit on the plant life cycle using Fast Plants, which produce flowers in two weeks and seeds in four weeks. Order seeds from Carolina Biological Supply Company (http:www.carolina.com) or Nasco (http://www.enasco.com).
The Seed Challenge
Wisconsin Fast Plants, www.fastplants.org
Big Red Tomatoes: National Geographic Learning (PDF) - Activity based on the book, Big Red Tomatoes. The student pages and hands-on explorations can be conducted without the book.
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
Tomatoes: Northcoast Nutrition and Fitness Collaborative (PDF) - Set of activities in which students plant tomato plants, harvest the fruits, and observe the fruits and seeds.
Northcoast Nutrition and Fitness Collaborative, www.northcoastnutrition.org
What Plants Need To Grow: Science NetLinks (website) - Students plant peas in cups and use different variables to discover plants needs.
What Plants Need to Grow
Science NetLinks, www.sciencenetlinks.com
Life Cycle Flip Books: Exploring Nature (website) - Create a flipbook that illustrates the growth and change of a plant or animal as it goes through its life cycle.
Life Cycle Flip Books
Exploring Nature, www.exploringnature.org
Assessment Ideas
Plant Life Cycle Activity: Exploring Nature (website) - Have students observe pictures depicting the life cycle of a plant. Next, have them place the pictures in order from planting the seed in soil to fruit production.
Plant Life Cycle Activity
Exploring Nature, www.exploringnature.org
Literature Connections
The Life Cycle of a Flower. Aloian, Molly (ISBN-13: 978-0778706977)
The Life Cycle of an Apple Tree. Tagliaferro, Linda (ISBN-13: 978-0736867092)
From Seed to Plant. Gibbons, Gail (ISBN-13: 978-0823410255)
Watermelon (Life Cycles). Murray, Julie (ISBN-13: 978-1599287126)
A Sunflower’s Life Cycle. Thomson, Ruth (ISBN-13: 978-1615322305)
Additional Resources
The Life Cycle of Plants: Birmingham Grid for Learning (website) - Set of activities to familiarize students with life cycles.
The Life Cycle of Plants
Birmingham Grid for Learning, www.bgfl.org
Tomato Plant: eduplace.com (PDF) - Illustration of the life cycle of a tomato plant.
Tomato Plant
Education Place, www.eduplace.com
Life Cycle Flip Books: Exploring Nature (website) - Create a flipbook that illustrates the growth and change of a plant or animal as it goes through it life cycle.
Life Cycle Flip Books
Exploring Nature, www.exploringnature.org
TEKS Navigation
Grade 3
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