Safe Practices and Equipment

TEKS Objective
The student is expected to identify and demonstrate safe practices as described in the Texas Safety Standards during classroom and outdoor investigations, including wearing safety goggles, washing hands, and using materials appropriately.
Essential Understanding
The student conducts classroom and outdoor investigations following home and school safety procedures.
Science Background
Science Safety in Elementary Schools: BioEd Online (video) - Online presentation covering classroom safety practices, particularly during students’ science investigations. Includes information about key safety equipment and strategies for setting up a safety object wall.
Science Safety in Elementary Schools
BioEd Online,
Safety Equipment and Supplies: Charles A. Dana Center (PDF) - Detailed information about a wide variety of safety equipment that may be needed in a science classroom.
Safety Equipment and Supplies
Charles A. Dana Center,
Signature Lesson
Science Safety is Elementary, Grade Three: Ohio Department of Education (PDF) - Students discuss, identify and demonstrate basic science safety practices. This lesson can easily be adapted for 2nd grade.
Science Safety is Elementary, Grade Three
Ohio Department of Education,
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
Clean Gene’s Germ-fighters Hit Parade: Gojo Industries (PDF) - A familiar tune with new words helps students learn how to wash their hands thoroughly to clean them of germs.
Clean Gene's Germ-fighters Hit Parade
Gojo Industries,
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
Teaching Lab Safety: Marcia’s Science Teaching Ideas (website) - Scroll down the page for a list of numerous safety activity ideas. The “Safety Scenarios Game” is recommended.
Teaching Lab Safety
Marcia's Science Teaching Ideas,
Assessment Ideas
Sid the Science Kid: PBS (website) - Interactive site that informs students about a variety of science careers while they select safety equipment and tools that are appropriate for scientists in different fields.
Literature Connections
Healthy Me: Fun Ways to Develop Good Health and Safety Habits. O’Brien-Palmer, M. (ISBN-13: 978-1556523595)
First Aid for You. Weber, Rebecca. (ISBN-13: 978-0756509262)
Safety. Gogerly, Liz. (ISBN-13: 978-0778741206)
Additional Resources
Fashionable Labs: Planet Science (website) - Online game in which students dress animated “scientists” with the appropriate safety gear. Scroll to the bottom of the page to start the game.
Science Safety Rules: Laura Candler Teaching Resources (PDF) - Print copies of these science safety rules for each student to include in his/her science notebook.
Science Safety Rules
Laura Candler Teaching Resources,
TEKS Navigation
Grade 2
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