Introduction to Scientific Tools

TEKS Objective
The student will collect, record and compare information using tools, including computers, hand lenses, primary balances, cups, bowls, magnets, collecting nets, and notebooks and safety goggles; timing devices, including clocks and timers; non-standard measuring items such as paper clips and clothespins; weather instruments such as demonstration thermometers and wind socks; and materials to support observations of habitats of organisms such as terrariums and aquariums.
Essential Understanding
The student uses age-appropriate tools and models to investigate the natural world.
Science Background
Tools and Equipment of Science: BioEd Online (video) - Veteran science educator, Barbara Tharp, provides an introduction to important science tools, such as metric rulers, thermometers and magnifiers.
Tools and Equipment of Science
BioEd Online,
Signature Lesson
Science in the Schoolyard, FOSS Air and Weather Module: FOSSWEB (PDF) - Observe and compare weather patterns, collect and record temperature and rainfall data, and observe the movement of wind with pinwheels and wind vanes.
Science in the Schoolyard, FOSS Air and Weather Module
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
Magnify It: Science NetLinks (website) - Students observe, collect, record and compare information using a hand lens to magnify an object.
Magnify It
Science NetLinks,
Fruits and Vegetables: Ohaus (PDF) - See page 5 for an activity that uses a pan balance to order objects by mass.
Fruits and Vegetables
Ohaus Corporation,
Science Tools: Teacher Tech Rice University (website) - Identify and use simple science tools.
Science Tools
Teacher Tech Rice University,
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
Science in the Schoolyard, FOSS Air and Weather Module: FOSSWEB (video) - Observe the use of simple science tools, such as a thermometer and a science notebook, during an outside investigation. Click “Grade 1 (Air and Weather)” to begin the video.
Science in the Schoolyard, FOSS Air and Weather Module
A Magnet Project Makes a Great Science Fair Idea! Easy Science Fair Projects (website) - Students collect data and make observations while testing the magnetic attraction of various objects.
Assessment Ideas
Science Rubric: Exemplars (PDF) - Use this rubric to rate students’ proficiency with scientific tools on a scale that ranges from “novice” to “expert.”
Literature Connections
Computers. Petrie, Kristin. (ISBN 1604530863)
What is a Magnifying Glass? Blevins, Wiley. (ISBN 0516273280)
You Can Use a Balance. Bullock, Linda. (ISBN 05162789991)
Wind Toys That Spin, Sing, Twirl & Whirl. Burda, Cindy. (ISBN 0806939346)
Additional Resources
The Effective Detective: PBS Kids (website) - An interactive game in which students use properties to describe characters from the “Arthur” storybook series.
TEKS Navigation
Grade 1
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