Organisms, Objects, and Events

TEKS Objective
The student will ask questions about organisms, objects, and events observed in the natural world.
Essential Understanding
The student develops abilities to ask questions and seek answers in classroom and outdoor investigations.
Science Background
What is Inquiry Science Teaching? BioEd Online (video) - Strategies for using questions and investigations to guide your students’ science learning.
What is Inquiry Science Teaching?
BioEd Online,
It’s Time for More Early Childhood Science: National Science Teachers Association (website) - Article that explains why primary students are at the perfect age to begin “discovering” science.
It’s Time for More Early Childhood Science
National Science Teachers Association,
Signature Lesson
Air, It’s Really There! American Chemical Society (PDF) - Students seek to answer the question, Does air take up space? by investigating and observing the transfer of bubbles in an aquarium.
Air, It’s Really There!
American Chemical Society,
- Supporting Lessons
- Extensions
- Assessment Ideas
- Literature Connections
- Related
TEKS - Additional Resources
Supporting Lessons
Hoopster: Exploratorium (website) - Students investigate the question, How can a round paper hoop fly if airplane wings are flat? To find the answer, they build and test-fly their own paper hoops.
Look at Those Leaves! Science NetLinks (website) - Students observe, measure, and sort tree leaves, and investigate the relationship between individual leaves and an entire tree.
Look at Those Leaves!
Science NetLinks,
How Does a Butterfly Become a Butterfly? K-12 Databases (PDF) - Students learn about life cycles by exploring the physical characteristics of a caterpillar as it changes into a butterfly.
How Does a Butterfly Become a Butterfly?
K-12 Databases,
Elaboration Lessons and Extensions
How are Animals Alike and Different? K-12 Databases (PDF) - Lead students through an investigation in which they identify, discuss and draw the physical characteristics of different animals.
How are Animals Alike and Different?
K-12 Databases,
Assessment Ideas
Ask students to use a hand lens to observe a rock and write three questions about the rock in their science notebooks. Afterward, have students work in pairs to share and discuss their questions and collaborate on answers for each question. Each student should record the answers in his/her science notebook.
Literature Connections
Scientists Ask Questions. Garrett, Ginger (ISBN-13: 978-0516246628)
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Why. Shields, Amy (ISBN-13: 978-1426307935)
TIME for Kids Big Book of Why. Perritano, John (ISBN-13: 978-1603208420)
Additional Resources
Questioning Strategies: Lawrence Hall of Science (website) - Explore strategies for using questions to leading discussion in the science classroom. Includes downloadable supplemental information.
Questioning Strategies
Lawrence Hall of Science,
TEKS Navigation
Grade 1
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